Daily cases

as of May 6, 2023 (rolling 14-day averages)

Note: Data update has been discontinued. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos has lifted the state of public health emergency for Covid-19 in July 2023.

Mapping the Covid-19 pandemic

Zoom in and click the map below to show regional, provincial, and municipal level data.

Mapping the Covid-19 pandemic

as of May 6, 2023

Zoom in and click the map on the right to show regional, provincial and municipal level data. Colors represent cases per specific number of population. The darker the shade, the higher the cases in the area.

Covid-19 cases by region


Case per 100,000 people

By province

By municipality


Deaths by day data pertains to actual date when cases died from Covid-19 and not when it is reported. This is different from actual reported deaths by the Philippines' Department of Health every day.

Data here are collected and analyzed from the DOH's data drop and updated accordingly. Most updated data are based on latest cases tallied and not when DOH reported them.

Case per 100,000 people at regional level is daily and not rolling average.

The repository containing processed Covid-19 data for this project can be found here.

Another repository containing other Covid-19 figures, including tests and positivity rates, can be found here.

Sources: Department of Health, UNOCHA